Monday, June 25, 2012

3 weeks old... 3 weeks tired

My little boy is 3 weeks old. Its just so crazy to think that 3 weeks ago tonight, I was sitting in the hospital room thanking God for such an amazing delivery and for a healthy sweet little boy! I got absolutely no sleep that night because I couldn't bare to see or hear him whimper in his little bassinet so I held him all night long.....And 3 weeks later I still haven't gotten any sleep and I still hold him all night long!

Ok thats not true. But I am REALLY tired and I do hold him a good bit during the night. Half because he whimpers when I put him down and I still can't stand that poor little sound (Im working on it), but the other reason is because I love just looking at him when he is zonked out. Troy and I made one cute little kid, and I just can't help but stare at him! ;)

Can I just take a moment to say what an amazing husband I have? You don't wanna hear? Well TOO BAD!  Troy gets up most nights with the baby during his awake time (usually 11-1) and lets me get a few hours of sleep where I can stretch out in the bed and not worry about Cambric. He knows just when I am about to lose my sanity from sleep deprivation and comes in the room and says "Here baby, let me have him for awhile." I sleep and then wake up (actually my boobs wake me up) and go in the living room to see Troy playing video games with Cambric up on his chest. It's sweet! I'm not ecstatic that he is already turning my baby into a gaming nerd, but I love to see them bond! I married me a good one!

Out of ALL the "advice" that I was given during my pregnancy, hearing "sleep now cause you will never sleep again" was the one I hated the worse. Probably because I heard it the most. Well now that I am not pregnant my advice to soon to be new moms would be... SLEEP NOW CAUSE YOU WILL NEVER SLEEP AGAIN! ;) No seriously I really did hate hearing that and I promise to try not to be one of those moms hat gives unwanted advice or comments because I know how overwhelming it can be and I know your hearing it from 100 other people. I would LOVE for people to ask me about things but I promise I will try to (I said try) not to annoy any of you soon to be mom's with my thoughts and advice. Because in the end it doesn't matter if you hear it from every single mom in the world, it means nothing till you have experienced it for yourself.

So I have a major pooper on my hands...or shall I say squirter! The boy has squirted poop on me so many times now that I just can't keep count. My mom says I must push the magic button when I'm wiping his bobo. I'm so happy I have the magic touch! Wa hoo! That's a sarcastic "wa hoo" if you didn't get that! He likes to pee though when Troy is changing him! Now that is funny too! IT would be more funny if it was poop but I will take him peeing on Troy. :)

Since we are talking about sleep though I'll tell you my story from a few nights ago..... So when he wakes up from sleeping I usually change him first because he doesn't like to be wet or dirty during a feeding. I was extremely sleepy and delirious and was in the middle of changing his diaper. I had good enough sense to hold my hand over his pee pee while wiping the bobo. Too bad I was so tired that when I started feeling something wet on my hand I moved it to see what was wet and therefore pee went everywhere. All on his clothes, all on his bassinet, but worst of all...all on his face. Oh you better believe that woke me up. His poor little mouth was wide open and I just knew it was going to shoot straight into his mouth. But thank the Lord it didn't!!!! Poor little guy! Like I said it was the middle of the night and I was very sleepy and delirious so I will not confirm or deny if I put Cambric back in his pee pee clothes. I mean it wasn't that much on his clothes, mainly just got the bassinet and his face....but like I said I will not confirm or deny if I was a bad sleepy mommy!

Well I hope to update yall more on the happenings of what is going on in the Tuttle household.... Although we are a sleepy home, our home has been filled with a lot of laughter these past 3 weeks! I just hope that soon that laughter will be because Cambric is doing funny stuff, and not because he is peeing and pooping on us! I can only hope!

I just cant "bear" to live without my mommy & daddy!
My little flyer

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Cambric has arrived!!!

Can you believe it? He's here! He is FINALLY here!!!

Ok honestly I felt like my pregnancy went by really quickly, except for that last month. Now that could have lasted forever!!!

I have lots and lots of information but for today we will go with just the birth story. So here we go....

At my 38 week appointment my doctor was a little concerned about how big Cambric was getting and how he wasn't dropping down into my pelvis, so she sent me to get a ultrasound to check his weight. Well he was measuring at 8.2lbs with a 40 week old's head! EEK! So at my 39week appointment, my doctor walked in and said "Hey people with the big baby!" EEKK again! After trying to break my water (OUCH) and trying to get me into the hospital that night, she ended up setting my induction for Sunday night. During that visit she did talk about how she was concerned about me having to have a c-section but she knew I wanted to try for a vaginal and so she was going to let me. So thankful she didn't try to pressure me like most doctors do now days.

We checked in at 6pm and around 7pm they put this little pill behind my cervix to soften me up. They said for some women, it would throw them into labor and that is exactly what it did for me. At around 9pm I was having contractions every 1- 1 1/2minutes. But they didn't hurt so it wasn't bad. They ended up having to pump me with fluids to try to get them to slow down so that it wouldn't aggravate the baby.

We did lots to pass the time... Ok actually we just played a lot of card games, I bounced on a birthing ball, and walked the halls with my mom. The nurses kept asking me "are you SURE your not in pain?" I guess the 3 months of contractions helped prepare me for this! :) Around midnight I got up to go to the restroom and the nurses came in because they couldn't detect the baby's heartbeat. They had to give me oxygen so that the baby would get oxygen. Poor Troy was so freaked out and yet somehow it didn't even faze me. Then around 3am, it happened again and Troy slept through all the commotion! lol

My doctor came in just before 7am and broke my water. Boy did I have a lot, I mean A LOT of fluid. It just kept coming and coming and coming. SO thankful it didn't break in public or like on my couch! ;) About 30 minutes after she broke it, it was still coming out and I told the nurse "I know you just changed my sheets but the water is all the way down to my feet." She lifted up the sheets and was like "Whoa!" haha That was probably like 10 of the pounds I gained right there!

The anesthesiologist came in around the same time and gave me my epidural. I just want to take this moment to tell all the women who go ALL NATURAL how AWESOME yall are! The epi didn't kick in till I was 9cm (an hour before I had him) and that was just not fun! I wish I could say I was strong enough to take it but I wasn't and I LOVED the epi!!!! Well, once it kicked in I did at least. I think at some point as I was getting stitched up later I said something along the lines of "Why wouldn't you want this wonderful drug?" lol But I really do understand why a lot of women want to try to natural.

Anyways, Cambric's heartbeat kept getting lost through all this so I spent the entire morning on oxygen. That mask sure is annoying!!! Right before I began pushing, my doctor talked to me about how she thought the umbilical cord was wrapped somehow and that I was going to have to push him out quickly or else she was going to have to take him. I didn't go through all those hours of labor for nothing and I was determined that I was going to get him out and QUICK!!! At 11:30 they had me push twice to see if I could get his head to drop. About 10-15 minutes later my doctor came back in ready to go.  I had to have an episiotomy (so thankful for the epi at that time) and they had to use the vacuum on his poor little head but I got him out in about 10-15 minutes.

At 11:57am Cambric Noah Tuttle arrived!!!!! They threw his tiny little bloody body up on my chest and I kissed him and cried. Of course Troy cried more....and harder! :) SO thankful that my momma was in the room with us because Troy didn't want to take pictures or video so my mom did for us. I have watched that video over and over. If you want to see, I'll be happy to show you! Not to worry, it doesn't show anything! :) Of course you do see all the nurses and student nurses on the floor walk in right when I'm doing my final pushes and everyone is yelling for me. My doctor and some nurses knew me as Meagan, some other nurses and Troy were calling me Camille, and my mom was calling me Millie. So in the video you hear a lot of "You got this girl! Come on Meagan. Come on Camille, you can do this. You got this Millie! Your doing so good girl!" It's quite funny!

My big ol baby ended up being 7lbs14oz and 21 1/4in. long. When they told me I said "Oh he isn't that big," and my doctor looked up from her  stitching me up and said "GIRL, that is big for you!" and then looked back down and back up at me again! She was so sweet and kept telling me how proud she was of me and couldn't believe I got him out so quickly.

I don't think I've slept more than 2 hours at a time since then but boy do I love this little man! I feel so complete now! What an honor it is that God chose me to be this little boy's momma! OH MAN! I'm crying! And I am so blessed that Troy is my husband! I always wanted to marry someone like my daddy and I got my wish! Troy has been so amazing and he is such a good daddy!!! Boy am I blessed!