I have had lots of times where I thought "I'm gonna write a blog on that." Well guess what I have no clue what any of them were because I have a serious case of mommy brain! But so far I don't think mommy brain is as bad as pregnancy brain! But yesterday I got an email from my mom about a beautiful song that I love & I knew I needed to write about this and do it before I forgot! :)
I first heard this song after a few months of Troy and I trying to get pregnant. In the beginning it was a powerful song to me but every month that passed by it became more and more real to me and helped me through the things I was dealing with. If this song was sung during worship, you better believe you would have seen me bawling my eyes out! First listen to this girls blog (YOUR GONNA CRY) and then listen to the song (THEN YOUR GONNA CRY SOME MORE).
Pretty amazing story isn't it! I honestly don't know what I would have done in Jill's (the singer) situation but I am pretty sure that I couldn't be as strong as her! It kind of makes all my little trials and tribulations seem pretty insignificant! And boy does it make me feel so thankful and blessed that I have healthy little baby!
I am sure you can see why I love this song! As I said as every month passed by I would listen to this song over and over in the car, reminding myself that it was just a season in my life and that God was still the same God that he had always been. I would get through it because God was there! The devil really attacked me during that time in my life and this song would remind to proclaim that No Weapon Formed Against Me Would Prosper. The first time I heard this song after I found out I was pregnant you better believe I still bawled but it was with a big ol smile on my face.
Then I had Cambric and BOY OH BOY are the baby blues real! I think they say 80% of women have the baby blues and if you are apart of that 20% then consider yourself blessed. I was just given this little miracle, yet I was crying all the time and felt depressed and sad. I mean I cried over the fact that I was going to miss my doctor! Well she is pretty stinking awesome! But come on! Sometimes I just cried and I couldn't tell anyone why. I cried over people holding my baby too long (I'm not gonna lie I still want to do that) or cried because I felt like all I was, was a feeding machine and that was all I ever did! I enjoyed it yet didn't all at the same time. I could feel myself spiraling down more and more every day.
About 3 weeks or so after I had the baby I watched our church service from home and beautiful Lauren sang this song. I was reminded once again that God was STILL the same God and he was going to get me through this just like he has gotten me through every other bump in the road, trial, battle, etc.... God was using those first few weeks (and still now) to teach me a lot of things. And every day I am trusting more and more in Him. Every day I have a reason to live and a reason to worship!!!
Now that song may not mean as much to you as it does to me but I just wanted to write this really just in case there are any others out there right now who are going through a battle or trial in their life. God is still the same God that he was yesterday. This is just a season in your life! And God is going to use this particular time in your life for a reason! I'm believing that everything that I have gone through, that God is just planting a seed in my life that I will later sow into someone else's life.
I just want you all to know I wrote this while the cleaning people were in my bathroom and I was just bawling away! lol So somebody, at least one person better like this post so I know that I didn't just make a fool out of myself for no reason! :)
Well anyways I have lots of funny and good stuff to update about my little man Cambric but he is now starting to wake so I'll have to post again soon! And I promise not to wait as long as I did this time!!! I know you all enjoy my funniness! ;)
But here are a few pictures to hold you over, which you have probably already seen....TOO BAD YOUR SEEING THEM AGAIN AND YOUR GONNA LOVE THEM! :)
Happy Boy! |
Our Life! |
He loves his tongue! |
I just love this picture! |