Ok so I'm pretty sure I finished my last post PROMISING that I wouldn't take forever to update the next time. Well here we are the next time and its been a little while...ok a LONG while. Sorry about that! It's hard work being a mommy! So here is a quick catch up of what has been going on.
Cambric just turned 5 months a week ago! What an amazing 5 months it has been! Hard, but amazing! Going back to work was tough and still is tough being away from him for so long but he is doing great! It was hard till about a few weeks ago. He wasn't sleeping good at daycare and would come home exhausted and would sleep almost from the time we got home till the next morning (besides waking to eat of course - piggy). I cried a lot of tears because I hated that my time with him was just watching him sleep. Well now that Cambric is rolling to his tummy to sleep, he gets in some good naps at school, therefore we get some good mommy/son time each day when we get home.
People have asked how I do it. How do I leave my baby each day to go to work. Well first off I love my job. Not as much as my sweet boy but I do love it. That first week was tough, but I soon realized something... Cambric goes to daycare where he is loved on by many people. I was told that if the women up there wore lipstick then he would have lip marks all over him every day! :) He is loved by me & Troy at home. So Cambric is getting plenty of love. But some of my kids may not be getting that love at home. So it's my job as their teacher to not only teach them academically but to teach them morals, values, and to love on them! And they are pretty cute so its not hard!
Anyways back to my chubby bubba! He is doing awesome! He is the most smiley baby! Always happy. Ok, not always! Not when he's hungry. If you want to see him cry, just be around when I can't feed him quick enough! He has his daddy's temper, and perhaps his mommas! He is a laughing maniac and loves Molly! He finally figured out that she is awesome! I can't wait till he is a little older and starts bugging the tar out of her! He is starting to sit up when we put him in the right position and does TONS of baby crunches cause he so badly wants to do it himself! It's quite cute....until he projectile pukes all over everything from working his tummy too much! That dang Acid Reflux drives me nuts. Everyone keeps saying he should outgrow it around 6 months. Here we are at 5 months and a week and I don't see any improvement! I can't wait for the day of no more medicine and no more smelling like baby puke all day! It's a dream I think of often! ;) Just like my dream of taking a bath without having to talk baby talk the entire time!
He's pretty cute, so I can't complain! |
Can I tell you how much I hate the new mom laughs. You know, that laugh that says "HA, she is a new mom and doesn't know what on earth she is doing!" Well guess what. Your right. I don't! But I think I'm doing a pretty stinking good job anyways! I do things the way I feel is right for me and my family! I look up tons of information on the internet and ask hundreds of questions through my baby groups and in the end, I do what is right for US! Not what was right for everyone else, but for US!
Yes I breastfeed and I LOVE it! Now if you would have asked me that the first 6 weeks I would have said NOOOOOOO! But I honestly love it! I can't explain it but I can't imagine not doing it. I'm just waiting for the day that someone says something to me in public about breastfeeding. I hear horror stories about women being asked to feed in the bathroom or to stop all together. The first time someone asks me to feed Cambric in the restroom, first off I will probably sit in awe for a good minute and then I will let them know that they can go sit their big fat butt on the toilet and eat since they believe it's ok for me to feed my child on the toilet! Ya, don't even get me started on that!
Yes my child is NOT sleeping through the night. He pretty much was until we transitioned him from his Rock N Play to his Pack N Play. He was starting to sit up in it so we knew it was time to move him to something more stable. So my nights include me getting up about 2-3 times. I decided that I eat when I want, so if Cambric wants to eat at 4am then I will feed him at 4am! No, its not ideal but guess what. If I don't care, then why should anyone else. I am so tired of getting the judgmental looks and comments. I know plenty of women who their children have been sleeping in their own room, in their crib for a long time and they are still not sleeping through the night so why is it such a big deal that Cambric isn't. And yes we co-sleep a lot too! And I LOVE IT! I know I'm creating a bad habit but I will deal with it later on. I'm enjoying treating him like a baby now and snuggling him every night. I am away from him for 9 hours a day. I just hate being separated from him any more. Again, if I don't care, then I don't understand why everyone else has to care and judge too!
At this very moment Troy is trying to get Cambric to reach out to him! We have both been trying to get him to come to us! All I know is I better be the first person he reaches out for! Later on in life, he can love us equally but right now since I provide all his nourishment and pump 2 times at work for him, I deserve to be favored! Just saying! ;)
Have I mentioned what a great dad Troy is! Well he is! He does so much to help me out, from cleaning the bottles, to picking up my mess, or just entertaining the baby so I can finally blog. He is quite the catch! Don't know what I would do without him to keep me laughing during those early post-pardum days. I am getting a little annoyed with him keep coming up behind me while I'm holding the baby and pulling my pants down! Now thats getting a little old!
Ok well I think I have bored you enough for one post! I will TRY (won't promise this time) to update soon! I have all next week off! YAY! Let's hope I get something accomplished! ;)
HAHAHA Mom said she was going to accomplish something! That's funny! |