Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Just a normal day in the Tuttle home

Well today has been interesting. Cambric has been having some tummy stuff going on so we went & saw a GI doctor (that's not what this post is about just the prologue). Well she asked us to get a stool sample. No big deal. I change his nasty poop diaper ALL the time. He's even pooped on me a few times...ok it's been more than a few times but who's counting? Anyways I definitely can do this whole stool sample thing.

Side note: She gave me gloves to use. Lady why on earth do I need gloves? I change my son everyday. Pretty much every time I change him I get a little poop on my finger. What's the big deal?

Anyways, I am SO lucky (sarcasm dripping from every word) that once we got home C had a massive poopy diaper. So massive it was coming out of his crack & getting on his shirt. I was excited. Man I just got home & I was already going to get to do this & get it out if the way. So I clean him off & take the diaper into my laboratory (bathroom) & begin the process.

Remember how I thought it was weird that lady gave me gloves? Ya, I was very thankful at that time that she did that. It's one thing to get a little poop on your fingers while changing a diaper....it a WHOLE other thing to be digging around in it with a little wooden stick.

Side note: one of the issues with C is that he is not digesting his food. It comes out the same way it went in about 30 minutes later. Ya you know where I'm going with this.....

So anyways you fill up the tube to the line & THEN you have to mix it with the stick in the solution & shake vigorously. If your feeling ill right now please don't feel like your alone. My tummy wasn't feeling the greatest but I handled it. You know who couldn't? Yep you guessed. Troy started gagging the moment I got home & told him what we (I) had to do. As soon as I started shaking the tube it was all over. My big strong wonderful hubby threw up in his hands. Yep you read that right. I'M the one digging through poop & HE threw up. Men!!!
This is what happened while daddy was busy through up in his hands

Oh & here's another good one. Last week when C had diarrhea real bad it was making it hurt down in his little area. Every time I changed him he tried to grab his man stuff. So he of course would do this & I would have to clean his hands off cause sometimes he got stuff on them. Soooooooo this one time Troy is walking by & C has just grabbed himself & Troy hurries & grabs his hands. As I'm cleaning him up I look up to see Troy kissing all over Cambric's hands. Just as I'm about to tell him that he had just touched him wiener where there had been poop, Troy pops the WHOLE hand in his mouth. Lets just say I laughed a lot. Luckily Troy did too. Somehow he hardly gagged at that yet threw up when I was scooping the poop. What's up with that?

I can just hear my mom now..." Camille! Ewwww! Thanks for sharing but we did not need to know that."
Y'all know you wanna laugh. That's funny stuff right there. ;)

I would love to say that nights like tonight are a rarity but sadly I cannot. Actually I'm not sad about it one bit. We sure do have a lot of fun in our home & there is always laughter. What can I say? We are just turtley awesome....get it? Turtley - Turtle - Tuttle.
Oh come on that was good.yes I have become my father.

Oh & did I mention that earlier a diaper only filled 2 of 5 tubes. I still got some digging to do.

Trying out his Tarzan cloth diaper. Can anyone say STUD?