Sunday, November 11, 2012

Catch Up...

Ok so I'm pretty sure I finished my last post PROMISING that I wouldn't take forever to update the next time. Well here we are the next time and its been a little while...ok a LONG while.  Sorry about that! It's hard work being a mommy! So here is a quick catch up of what has been going on.

Cambric just turned 5 months a week ago! What an amazing 5 months it has been! Hard, but amazing! Going back to work was tough and still is tough being away from him for so long but he is doing great! It was hard till about a few weeks ago. He wasn't sleeping good at daycare and would come home exhausted and would sleep almost from the time we got home till the next morning (besides waking to eat of course - piggy). I cried a lot of tears because I hated that my time with him was just watching him sleep. Well now that Cambric is rolling to his tummy to sleep, he gets in some good naps at school, therefore we get some good mommy/son time each day when we get home.

People have asked how I do it. How do I leave my baby each day to go to work. Well first off I love my job. Not as much as my sweet boy but I do love it. That first week was tough, but I soon realized something... Cambric goes to daycare where he is loved on by many people. I was told that if the women up there wore lipstick then he would have lip marks all over him every day! :) He is loved by me & Troy at home. So Cambric is getting plenty of love. But some of my kids may not be getting that love at home. So it's my job as their teacher to not only teach them academically but to teach them morals, values, and to love on them! And they are pretty cute so its not hard!

Anyways back to my chubby bubba! He is doing awesome! He is the most smiley baby! Always happy. Ok, not always! Not when he's hungry. If you want to see him cry, just be around when I can't feed him quick enough! He has his daddy's temper, and perhaps his mommas! He is a laughing maniac and loves Molly! He finally figured out that she is awesome! I can't wait till he is a little older and starts bugging the tar out of her! He is starting to sit up when we put him in the right position and does TONS of baby crunches cause he so badly wants to do it himself! It's quite cute....until he projectile pukes all over everything from working his tummy too much! That dang Acid Reflux drives me nuts. Everyone keeps saying he should outgrow it around 6 months. Here we are at 5 months and a week and I don't see any improvement! I can't wait for the day of no more medicine and no more smelling like baby puke all day! It's a dream I think of often! ;) Just like my dream of taking a bath without having to talk baby talk the entire time!
He's pretty cute, so I can't complain!

Can I tell you how much I hate the new mom laughs. You know, that laugh that says "HA, she is a new mom and doesn't know what on earth she is doing!" Well guess what. Your right. I don't! But I think I'm doing a pretty stinking good job anyways! I do things the way I feel is right for me and my family! I look up tons of information on the internet and ask hundreds of questions through my baby groups and in the end, I do what is right for US! Not what was right for everyone else, but for US!

Yes I breastfeed and I LOVE it! Now if you would have asked me that the first 6 weeks I would have said NOOOOOOO! But I honestly love it! I can't explain it but I can't imagine not doing it. I'm just waiting for the day that someone says something to me in public about breastfeeding. I hear horror stories about women being asked to feed in the bathroom or to stop all together. The first time someone asks me to feed Cambric in the restroom, first off I will probably sit in awe for a good minute and then I will let them know that they can go sit their big fat butt on the toilet and eat since they believe it's ok for me to feed my child on the toilet! Ya, don't even get me started on that!

Yes my child is NOT sleeping through the night. He pretty much was until we transitioned him from his Rock N Play to his Pack N Play. He was starting to sit up in it so we knew it was time to move him to something more stable. So my nights include me getting up about 2-3 times. I decided that I eat when I want, so if Cambric wants to eat at 4am then I will feed him at 4am!  No, its not ideal but guess what. If I don't care, then why should anyone else. I am so tired of getting the judgmental looks and comments. I know plenty of women who their children have been sleeping in their own room, in their crib for a long time and they are still not sleeping through the night so why is it such a big deal that Cambric isn't. And yes we co-sleep a lot too! And I LOVE IT! I know I'm creating a bad habit but I will deal with it later on. I'm enjoying treating him like a baby now and snuggling him every night. I am away from him for 9 hours a day. I just hate being separated from him any more. Again, if I don't care, then I don't understand why everyone else has to care and judge too!

At this very moment Troy is trying to get Cambric to reach out to him! We have both been trying to get him to come to us! All I know is I better be the first person he reaches out for! Later on in life, he can love us equally but right now since I provide all his nourishment and pump 2 times at work for him, I deserve to be favored! Just saying! ;)

Have I mentioned what a great dad Troy is! Well he is! He does so much to help me out, from cleaning the bottles, to picking up my mess, or just entertaining the baby so I can finally blog. He is quite the catch! Don't know what I would do without him to keep me laughing during those early post-pardum days. I am getting a little annoyed with him keep coming up behind me while I'm holding the baby and pulling my pants down! Now thats getting a little old!

Ok well I think I have bored you enough for one post! I will TRY (won't promise this time) to update soon! I have all next week off! YAY! Let's hope I get something accomplished! ;)
HAHAHA Mom said she was going to accomplish something! That's funny!

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Desert Song

Well its been a while! Sorry about that! Its hard work finding time to write a new post when your baby likes to be held a lot! And there is nothing wrong with least right now there isn't. Ask me again when he's 7 years old and still wants to be held by his momma.... Yes that was me! The kid with the legs hanging down on the ground while I broke my parents backs! :) Anyways....

I have had lots of times where I thought "I'm gonna write a blog on that." Well guess what I have no clue what any of them were because I have a serious case of mommy brain! But so far I don't think mommy brain is as bad as pregnancy brain! But yesterday I got an email from my mom about a beautiful song that I love & I knew I needed to write about this and do it before I forgot! :)

I first heard this song after a few months of Troy and I trying to get pregnant. In the beginning it was a powerful song to me but every month that passed by it became more and more real to me and helped me through the things I was dealing with. If this song was sung during worship, you better believe you would have seen me bawling my eyes out! First listen to this girls blog (YOUR GONNA CRY) and then listen to the song (THEN YOUR GONNA CRY SOME MORE).

Pretty amazing story isn't it! I honestly don't know what I would have done in Jill's (the singer) situation but I am pretty sure that I couldn't be as strong as her! It kind of makes all my little trials and tribulations seem pretty insignificant! And boy does it make me feel so thankful and blessed that I have healthy little baby!

I am sure you can see why I love this song! As I said as every month passed by I would listen to this song over and over in the car, reminding myself that it was just a season in my life and that God was  still the same God that he had always been. I would get through it because God was there! The devil really attacked me during that time in my life and this song would remind to proclaim that No Weapon Formed Against Me Would Prosper.  The first time I heard this song after I found out I was pregnant you better believe I still bawled but it was with a big ol smile on my face.

Then I had Cambric and BOY OH BOY are the baby blues real! I think they say 80% of women have the baby blues and if you are apart of that 20% then consider yourself blessed. I was just given this little miracle, yet I was crying all the time and felt depressed and sad. I mean I cried over the fact that I was going to miss my doctor! Well she is pretty stinking awesome! But come on! Sometimes I just cried and I couldn't tell anyone why. I cried over people holding my baby too long (I'm not gonna lie I still want to do that) or cried because I felt like all I was, was a feeding machine and that was all I ever did! I enjoyed it yet didn't all at the same time. I could feel myself spiraling down more and more every day.

About 3 weeks or so after I had the baby I watched our church service from home and beautiful Lauren  sang this song. I was reminded once again that God was STILL the same God and he was going to get me through this just like he has gotten me through every other bump in the road, trial, battle, etc.... God was using those first few weeks (and still now) to teach me a lot of things. And every day I am trusting more and more in Him. Every day I have a reason to live and a reason to worship!!!

Now that song may not mean as much to you as it does to me but I just wanted to write this really just in case there are any others out there right now who are going through a battle or trial in their life. God is still the same God that he was yesterday. This is just a season in your life! And God is going to use this particular time in your life for a reason! I'm believing that everything that I have gone through, that God is just planting a seed in my life that I will later sow into someone else's life.

I just want you all to know I wrote this while the cleaning people were in my bathroom and I was just bawling away! lol So somebody, at least one person better like this post so I know that I didn't just make a fool out of myself for no reason! :)

Well anyways I have lots of funny and good stuff to update about my little man Cambric but he is now starting to wake so I'll have to post again soon! And I promise not to wait as long as I did this time!!! I know you all enjoy my funniness! ;)

But here are a few pictures to hold you over, which you have probably already seen....TOO BAD YOUR SEEING THEM AGAIN AND YOUR GONNA LOVE THEM! :)

Happy Boy!

Our Life!

He loves his tongue!

I just love this picture!

Monday, June 25, 2012

3 weeks old... 3 weeks tired

My little boy is 3 weeks old. Its just so crazy to think that 3 weeks ago tonight, I was sitting in the hospital room thanking God for such an amazing delivery and for a healthy sweet little boy! I got absolutely no sleep that night because I couldn't bare to see or hear him whimper in his little bassinet so I held him all night long.....And 3 weeks later I still haven't gotten any sleep and I still hold him all night long!

Ok thats not true. But I am REALLY tired and I do hold him a good bit during the night. Half because he whimpers when I put him down and I still can't stand that poor little sound (Im working on it), but the other reason is because I love just looking at him when he is zonked out. Troy and I made one cute little kid, and I just can't help but stare at him! ;)

Can I just take a moment to say what an amazing husband I have? You don't wanna hear? Well TOO BAD!  Troy gets up most nights with the baby during his awake time (usually 11-1) and lets me get a few hours of sleep where I can stretch out in the bed and not worry about Cambric. He knows just when I am about to lose my sanity from sleep deprivation and comes in the room and says "Here baby, let me have him for awhile." I sleep and then wake up (actually my boobs wake me up) and go in the living room to see Troy playing video games with Cambric up on his chest. It's sweet! I'm not ecstatic that he is already turning my baby into a gaming nerd, but I love to see them bond! I married me a good one!

Out of ALL the "advice" that I was given during my pregnancy, hearing "sleep now cause you will never sleep again" was the one I hated the worse. Probably because I heard it the most. Well now that I am not pregnant my advice to soon to be new moms would be... SLEEP NOW CAUSE YOU WILL NEVER SLEEP AGAIN! ;) No seriously I really did hate hearing that and I promise to try not to be one of those moms hat gives unwanted advice or comments because I know how overwhelming it can be and I know your hearing it from 100 other people. I would LOVE for people to ask me about things but I promise I will try to (I said try) not to annoy any of you soon to be mom's with my thoughts and advice. Because in the end it doesn't matter if you hear it from every single mom in the world, it means nothing till you have experienced it for yourself.

So I have a major pooper on my hands...or shall I say squirter! The boy has squirted poop on me so many times now that I just can't keep count. My mom says I must push the magic button when I'm wiping his bobo. I'm so happy I have the magic touch! Wa hoo! That's a sarcastic "wa hoo" if you didn't get that! He likes to pee though when Troy is changing him! Now that is funny too! IT would be more funny if it was poop but I will take him peeing on Troy. :)

Since we are talking about sleep though I'll tell you my story from a few nights ago..... So when he wakes up from sleeping I usually change him first because he doesn't like to be wet or dirty during a feeding. I was extremely sleepy and delirious and was in the middle of changing his diaper. I had good enough sense to hold my hand over his pee pee while wiping the bobo. Too bad I was so tired that when I started feeling something wet on my hand I moved it to see what was wet and therefore pee went everywhere. All on his clothes, all on his bassinet, but worst of all...all on his face. Oh you better believe that woke me up. His poor little mouth was wide open and I just knew it was going to shoot straight into his mouth. But thank the Lord it didn't!!!! Poor little guy! Like I said it was the middle of the night and I was very sleepy and delirious so I will not confirm or deny if I put Cambric back in his pee pee clothes. I mean it wasn't that much on his clothes, mainly just got the bassinet and his face....but like I said I will not confirm or deny if I was a bad sleepy mommy!

Well I hope to update yall more on the happenings of what is going on in the Tuttle household.... Although we are a sleepy home, our home has been filled with a lot of laughter these past 3 weeks! I just hope that soon that laughter will be because Cambric is doing funny stuff, and not because he is peeing and pooping on us! I can only hope!

I just cant "bear" to live without my mommy & daddy!
My little flyer

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Cambric has arrived!!!

Can you believe it? He's here! He is FINALLY here!!!

Ok honestly I felt like my pregnancy went by really quickly, except for that last month. Now that could have lasted forever!!!

I have lots and lots of information but for today we will go with just the birth story. So here we go....

At my 38 week appointment my doctor was a little concerned about how big Cambric was getting and how he wasn't dropping down into my pelvis, so she sent me to get a ultrasound to check his weight. Well he was measuring at 8.2lbs with a 40 week old's head! EEK! So at my 39week appointment, my doctor walked in and said "Hey people with the big baby!" EEKK again! After trying to break my water (OUCH) and trying to get me into the hospital that night, she ended up setting my induction for Sunday night. During that visit she did talk about how she was concerned about me having to have a c-section but she knew I wanted to try for a vaginal and so she was going to let me. So thankful she didn't try to pressure me like most doctors do now days.

We checked in at 6pm and around 7pm they put this little pill behind my cervix to soften me up. They said for some women, it would throw them into labor and that is exactly what it did for me. At around 9pm I was having contractions every 1- 1 1/2minutes. But they didn't hurt so it wasn't bad. They ended up having to pump me with fluids to try to get them to slow down so that it wouldn't aggravate the baby.

We did lots to pass the time... Ok actually we just played a lot of card games, I bounced on a birthing ball, and walked the halls with my mom. The nurses kept asking me "are you SURE your not in pain?" I guess the 3 months of contractions helped prepare me for this! :) Around midnight I got up to go to the restroom and the nurses came in because they couldn't detect the baby's heartbeat. They had to give me oxygen so that the baby would get oxygen. Poor Troy was so freaked out and yet somehow it didn't even faze me. Then around 3am, it happened again and Troy slept through all the commotion! lol

My doctor came in just before 7am and broke my water. Boy did I have a lot, I mean A LOT of fluid. It just kept coming and coming and coming. SO thankful it didn't break in public or like on my couch! ;) About 30 minutes after she broke it, it was still coming out and I told the nurse "I know you just changed my sheets but the water is all the way down to my feet." She lifted up the sheets and was like "Whoa!" haha That was probably like 10 of the pounds I gained right there!

The anesthesiologist came in around the same time and gave me my epidural. I just want to take this moment to tell all the women who go ALL NATURAL how AWESOME yall are! The epi didn't kick in till I was 9cm (an hour before I had him) and that was just not fun! I wish I could say I was strong enough to take it but I wasn't and I LOVED the epi!!!! Well, once it kicked in I did at least. I think at some point as I was getting stitched up later I said something along the lines of "Why wouldn't you want this wonderful drug?" lol But I really do understand why a lot of women want to try to natural.

Anyways, Cambric's heartbeat kept getting lost through all this so I spent the entire morning on oxygen. That mask sure is annoying!!! Right before I began pushing, my doctor talked to me about how she thought the umbilical cord was wrapped somehow and that I was going to have to push him out quickly or else she was going to have to take him. I didn't go through all those hours of labor for nothing and I was determined that I was going to get him out and QUICK!!! At 11:30 they had me push twice to see if I could get his head to drop. About 10-15 minutes later my doctor came back in ready to go.  I had to have an episiotomy (so thankful for the epi at that time) and they had to use the vacuum on his poor little head but I got him out in about 10-15 minutes.

At 11:57am Cambric Noah Tuttle arrived!!!!! They threw his tiny little bloody body up on my chest and I kissed him and cried. Of course Troy cried more....and harder! :) SO thankful that my momma was in the room with us because Troy didn't want to take pictures or video so my mom did for us. I have watched that video over and over. If you want to see, I'll be happy to show you! Not to worry, it doesn't show anything! :) Of course you do see all the nurses and student nurses on the floor walk in right when I'm doing my final pushes and everyone is yelling for me. My doctor and some nurses knew me as Meagan, some other nurses and Troy were calling me Camille, and my mom was calling me Millie. So in the video you hear a lot of "You got this girl! Come on Meagan. Come on Camille, you can do this. You got this Millie! Your doing so good girl!" It's quite funny!

My big ol baby ended up being 7lbs14oz and 21 1/4in. long. When they told me I said "Oh he isn't that big," and my doctor looked up from her  stitching me up and said "GIRL, that is big for you!" and then looked back down and back up at me again! She was so sweet and kept telling me how proud she was of me and couldn't believe I got him out so quickly.

I don't think I've slept more than 2 hours at a time since then but boy do I love this little man! I feel so complete now! What an honor it is that God chose me to be this little boy's momma! OH MAN! I'm crying! And I am so blessed that Troy is my husband! I always wanted to marry someone like my daddy and I got my wish! Troy has been so amazing and he is such a good daddy!!! Boy am I blessed!

Wednesday, May 16, 2012


Well as of tomorrow I am FULL TERM! Praise the Lord. I am so thankful that I have made it to this point. After a scary beginning of thinking I might have a tubal pregnancy, having to have a breast biopsy of 3 lumps found, starting having contractions at 21 weeks, and to making 3 labor and delivery visits, I am SOOOO Thankful that I am where I am.

Every morning on my way to work I cry (part hormones/part because I'm crazy emotional) & pray over this little boy and thank God that He chose ME to be Cambric's momma. I am so anxious to meet him, it's crazy! But I learned after praying fervently for 16 months that God would send me a baby NOW, that it wasn't going to happen in my timing, that it would happen in HIS timing. Everyone always hears about how I am due the week after school gets out and tells me how I scheduled it just perfect. I would love to say I am that awesome and scheduled that perfect timing but that was all God! :) I have prayed very specifically from the the day I found I was pregnant about certain things (it doesn't hurt to ask) but I know Cambric will come when God destined for him to come. Of course I am VERY curious when that will be! :)

Troy and I are officially "ready" for the baby...By ready I mean that we have everything that we read we would need, people told us we would need, and some of what we were told we didn't need but bought anyways. His bassinet is ready to be put on my side of the bed stocked with diapers, wipes, breastfeeding stuff, and a change of sheets (just in case).

Let's see the only thing I might not be ready for is...LABOR!!!! I've read lots during pregnancy but labor is one of the things I tried to not read too much about besides the basics of what I need to know. Every time I started reading, I started thinking about the throwing up and tearing, and pooping. YEP I said pooping. I am just sure you will all hear if I am one of those blessed women who uses the restroom during delivery cause Troy has already told me he was gonna tell everyone. Oh Lord, help me please! :) I can't wait to see what he is like in the delivery room! It's gonna be great! I will be in great hands though with my Doctor. If anyone wants an AMAZING OB/GYN then you need to see Dr. Kollar in Mansfield. Troy and I actually decided to change doctors after the 1st trimester and I am so thankful we did! We walked out of our first visit with her talking just as much about how we loved her as we did about finding out we were having a boy! Ok maybe not THAT much but it was pretty close.

Thank you to everyone who have been praying over me and Cambric. Your prayers mean the world the me! I've had so many family and friends who check up on me all the time and take awesome care of me (1st grade team). You all ROCK!!!

If any of you have any great advice for Troy and I as first time parents please feel free to leave us a comment. We have heard all the generic advice and of course the "Your life will never be the same." "Sleep as much as you can now because you wont when the baby comes." And all those that aren't really advice as much as laughing at us because we don't realize just how much our life is going to change. haha We would like some positive advice please! :)

Anyways I hope you enjoyed keeping up with us throughout this pregnancy. The next post will probably be lots of pictures of my little man! Wa Hoo!!!!!

YEP, that crazy couple below are about to be parents...... Poor little guy! ;) 

Saturday, April 28, 2012

34 weeks...Oh my!

Our sweet Cambric at my 30 week 3D scan

How far along: 34 weeks... and boy am I feeling it!

Size of the baby: The size of a large cantaloupe, although my belly looks the size of a watermelon!

Maternity clothes: Thank the Lord for Lauren Dubose!!! She has let me borrow a lot of her maternity clothes to help get me by. I have barely bought any because they are so expensive. If I have bought clothes I just get it in a larger size. But you can't really do that with pants and thankfully Lauren had a lot of pants/capris/shorts to share with me.

I bought a larger size in jeans because I wanted some skinny jeans and all the pregnancy ones were way too expensive. Well let's just say the baby is not a fan of skinny jeans. The moment I put them on I start having contractions! So I guess you could say my uterus doesn't like skinny jeans!!!!

Gender: B-O-Y! I had a small freak out one day thinking "What if he is a she? I've already connected to this baby as a boy and I just wouldn't know what to do......" And the small meltdown went on. Until I had my 3D scan and she showed us his man parts again! Whew!

Sleeping: Oh how I miss thee! It's not necessarily that I'm getting any less sleep then I did before pregnancy because I woke up a lot then too but now it is to get up and go pee every few hours or waking up to contractions. You know how when you start having contractions and they tell you to lay on your left side to see if it helps. Well when I lay on my left side it either makes me start contracting or they intensify. Plus every time I roll over I have a contraction. Therefore when I wake up in the morning I feel like I've been jogging in a marathon!

And let me just say...Please stop telling me my body is just getting me ready for when the baby comes. It doesn't make me feel any better about me not sleeping! ;)

What I miss: my old clothes and body. I've had a few days recently where I just really wanted to wear some of my old clothes and I even put them on hoping that if I wore a long shirt underneath it would still look cute. NOPE!!!! When it comes to your belly button it is definitely too short!!!!!

Symptoms: SWOLLEN!!!! Now that I'm on modified bed rest, I have realized I am start to swell from sitting and laying a lot!!! And yes I am drinking plenty of fluids!!! The other day after the Ranger's game (yes I went to the Rangers game when I was suppose to be home laying down) I was very swollen. I had to prop my feet up in a chair. Then I noticed my students started doing it also. I had to explain to them why I get to do it and they don't. These poor children. By the time I have Cambric they are going to know much more about pregnancy than their parents probably care for them to know! :)

Let's see another symptom would be those wonderful contractions! I went to Labor and Delivery AGAIN a few weeks ago and they had to stop them. I keep thinking this baby is going to be early because of all this, but he is probably going to show us all and come exactly at 40 weeks...I refuse to speak of any date after. ;)
Me leaving the hospital at 1am, doped up. I'm sexy and I know it!

Oh and the feeling that he is trying to escape down there is always present! :)

Cravings: FOOD! I just want to eat all the time. Especially sweets!!!! Before the Ranger game I was craving ballpark nachos really bad! thank the Lord we were going to the game soon! I have also been craving cinnamon rolls. There are these WONDERFUL Rhodes frozen cinnamon rolls that I buy and you let rise overnight. I just realized that they are 500 something calories for each roll. WHOOPS!!!!

Best Moment: My kids constantly ask me questions about the baby. But not too long ago  I got the questions "How is he going to come out" and "Where does the baby come from?" Let's just say I said something along the lines of "Oh we really need to get to work now but I bet if you ask your mommy and daddy, they will tell you." I was expecting a phone call the next day but it never came....

My cousin and his family are in from California and last night his 5 year old kept looking at my belly and laughing and saying "You got a BIG belly" or "Your gonna have a BIG baby!" Lol Let's hope he isn't right on the second one!

Oh and we also went to a baby care class last week. Let's just say THANK YOU JESUS that Troy did not go with me to my breastfeeding class! When they showed a video to us that had a few different women breastfeeding, Troy started laughing. Therefore I started laughing. Therefore 40 other people in the room got to see how immature my husband and I are!!! I enjoyed watching him change our baby's diaper though! :)
I almost forgot we had our family shower's not too long ago.... We feel so blessed  & loved by everyone!!!! We have the best family and friends!!! here are a few pictures of the invites and decor. Not sure why I didn't have a picture on my phone of the decorations at my mom's house. I must have been really thinking about that yummo cake and cupcakes! :) 
My family/friends shower invite

Don't these cupcakes and the cake look awesome!!!!! Everything was pea in the pod themed. LOVE IT!

Tuttle family/family friends shower invite
Troy's mom has a friend who decorates for parties professionally and she was one of the hosts so of course she decorated!  Didn't she do a great job?

*Side note on the baby pea in the pod on my cake. My nephew Austin wanted the head so he wrapped it up in a towel and carried it around all day. lol He will be a good daddy one day! :)

Monday, April 2, 2012

Nursery Reveal........

Ok Here it is.....

This is when you walk into his room. One is light off and one is light on. I like the light fixture but am not crazy on the crazy stars it puts on the wall. My sweet friend Coral from church made the bedding. I need to get a close up picture...
light off
light on

Here is the corner of the room to your right when you walk in. To the left of the lamp there will be pictures of Troy being dedicated by my Grandpa Noah (Hallie CAMBRIC Noah) and myself being dedicated by him also. Then once Cambric is dedicated, we will put his picture up there too! :) 

Here are the shelves my dad made. We aren't for sure what we want on them but this will do for now...
 Stripes are same color as wall (that Troy's daddy painted).

Looking from the window
I love this view! 
Here is the dresser/changing table we redid. Big painting was done by our great friend and neighbor, Matt Velasquez, and the pictures in frames were done by Troy's friend and coworker Dustin Roberts. I love the "Crying is for Babies (Other Babies)" :)

Ok so there it is..... Can you tell I'm a little OCD in the fact that everything is orange, light blue/gray, brown, cream & white. Oh and a few touches of silver. Yep, OCD! Well let me know what you think!!! :) 

Thursday, March 8, 2012

3rd trimester!!!!!

How far along: 27 weeks. Only 13 to go. You can't imagine how excited I am. Is it weird that I'm not nervous about pushing something out of my who ha in just in a few months? Maybe it's because I don't allow myself to think about it. Uh oh! Im thinking about it! 

Size of the baby: Cucumber - 15 inches (thats a long cucumber) and a whopping 2.2 pounds! 

Maternity clothes: I still have just a few but am wearing my tops more. Today I wore my regular dress pants to work (unbuttoned and unzipped of course) but by the end of the day I seriously contemplated taking them off in order to drive. At first I thought "What if I get pulled over for something?" But thought I would just hide my legs with my jacket. And then I thought "What if I got in a wreck?" THat would be some crazy explaining to do. I opted to be horribly miserable on the way home instead. I will be wearing maternity pants from here on out.

Gender: Still a BOY!!!! Cambric (still cant decide on a middle name) Tuttle

Sleeping: Horrible. Actually not bad except having to pee so much in the middle of the night. Along with my crazy dreams of leaving my baby in odd places. Thank you mother for passing the "leaving baby" dreams on to me. At least he doesn't have a mustache in my dreams! ;) I also wake up with bad ligament pains. I know your suppose to try to sleep on left side or at least the right side before you sleep on your back but my hips are killing me in the morning. I don't even want to think about what these next few months are going to be like once I start getting bigger. 

What I miss: I still want to lick the bowl of my raw cookie batter but not as badly as before. I miss being able to eat just a cold meat sandwich. I also miss HOT baths. Actually I miss being able to get out of the bath without grunting or not having to hold onto the side without counting "ok. 1.2.3. GO!" 

Symptoms: At this very moment I am experiencing good ol heartburn from eating peaches. STINKING PEACHES!!!! Oh and I almost forgot to mention those wonderful contractions that sent me to Labor & Delivery last week. The antibiotic must be working (along with JESUS) because I am having WAY fewer contractions the last few days. Yesterday I only had 2 and today I've only had about 3. That's great compared to the 3 I was having in just 20 minutes. Whew! Oh and there has been leakage if you know what I mean. Troy has been SO interested talking about breastfeeding but of course when I mention this he got all grossed out. Oh and yesterday he asked me if my boobs were going to just shrink or shrivel or both? Poor guy! :) I really do feel for him though. The "air bubbles" in my tummy have only gotten worse. But I tell him I think they jumped out of him & into me. Sorry mom, but there are women reading this who are trying to have children for the first time and I feel like I need to let them know ALL the symptoms. Good AND bad! ;)

Cravings: Blow Pops! I love me some blow pops! 

Best Moment: Troy and I celebrated our 5 year anniversary on the 24th of last month & spent the night in Dallas last weekend. It wasn't our trip to New York or Spain like we planned before I got pregnant but it was just as special and that's because Troy made it wonderful. Troy is a VERY romantic & thoughtful person. He makes me ashamed of myself ! I'm glad we didn't stick with our big plans anyways. I have a feeling with all those contractions my doctor wouldn't have let me go anywhere. 

The true BEST moment over the last few weeks though was waking up on our anniversary & Troy looked over at me and said "I can still remember waking up 5 years ago at the Adam's Mark Hotel and how beautiful you were." Awwww. Sweet huh? What did I say in response you ask? Well right at that moment the baby pushed against one of those "air bubbles" and well you know. Troy just looked at me & said "Very much NOT like this moment." Oh man, I've never laughed so hard in my life! 

SO I'm guessing by now you know WAY TOO MUCH about Troy and I? ;) 
5 years baby! 

Thursday, March 1, 2012

double digits baby! That goes for contractions too!

99 DAYS... Ok actually today I have 98 days left but when I was going to write this post yesterday something happened & I had to wait till today. What happened you ask? Oh you know I just had to go and get strapped up to a machine to check on the contractions I've been having the past 3 weeks. No biggie! :)

So here is my long story made short. I have been having Braxton Hicks contractions for the last 3 weeks every day. I thought this was normal. Well when I called my OB yesterday to inform her, she did not think this was normal for someone who is 26 weeks. OF COURSE! So I had to go get checked and after 4 hours of monitoring, an exam (UNCOMFORTABLE), blood work, IV of fluids, and around 15 contractions later they found out I have an infection that is causing the contractions. I have NOT dilated & am in NO danger of going into labor anytime soon. So all you worry warts stop worrying. I do not need a call asking me if I am sure! :) I got a nice shot in the butt to get rid of the infection and am on pelvic rest & had to take a day off from work to kind of take it easy and let the medicine do its thing! This infection most likely is from the sinus stuff and wheezing I had going on 3 weeks ago. You know, the same time I started having the contractions every day! WHOOPS!

Let me just tell you it was quite comical. I may not be a worrier but Troy IS!!! I had a small moment of panic when they first told me to go to L & D AND Troy wasn't answering his phone but I was good after that small moment. Troy was not a happy camper though. He just sat there watching the screen. Well as soon as the exam was done and showed I was not in danger of going into labor his WHOLE attitude changed. He was up tapping his feet, taking pictures, and just plain being annoying! lol It was cute though! He confessed that he was glad he saw that I was having contractions cause he thought I was just mistaking contractions for something else. He got a good stink eye for that one! Don't worry, he apologized! :)
Troy thinking he is funny!

Well after that ordeal, I am kicking things into gear starting this weekend! Getting this nursery finished!!!! Ok we actually already planned to do a lot this weekend (after we get back Saturday from our anniversary night in Dallas) but this definitely will keep me motivated. And don't worry, I will not do too much. I'll just supervise Troy! ;)

Oh and did I mention that the nurse said I had some of the prettiest pee she has ever seen! Yep thats right. I have pretty pee!

All's good! Just ignore how I look though!!!!! 

Monday, February 20, 2012

Cambric moving around...ALOT

So last night Troy and I are laying in bed and our little man starts moving like CRAZY!!!! Seriously it looked like there was a stinking alien in my tummy. I could feel him moving A LOT and finally threw back the covers cause I just knew I would be able to see him also rather than just feel him. Troy was looking up something on the computer and I very quietly, as to not scare Cambric & make him stop, told Troy to look at my stomach. Well Troy went "WHOA" but it didn't scare him into stopping. Literally there was about 30 minutes of moving around in my stomach. I didn't know if he was going to ever stop so I could go to sleep. All I could think about was "If I can already see him this much at 24 weeks, Im going to be walking around in a few months and people will just see him moving through my clothes." lol 

Oh and it was very cute how freaked out this made Troy. I mentioned to him last week that the baby plays and holds onto the umbilical cord & ever since then he has probably mentioned it every day. I now wish I wouldn't have told him that cause it scares him more than he thinks it's cool like I do. It was one of the topics we talked about with Dr. Kollar last week at my 24 week appt. She smiled & laughed a lot and then told him that it was perfectly normal. I don't think that eased his mind though! ;) 

Oh and before you think "DANG, why does she have so much hair on her tummy?" that is one of the wonderful things about pregnancy. You get nice short fuzzy hair on your tummy. Ok its not nice. Its just plain annoying! At least my hair is blonde! Whew! 

This is after the first 10 minutes where he was moving the most.....

You may not think that was cool but we sure did! 

Oh and FYI, I was told a long time ago that Cambric was spelled with a "k" at the end (Cambrick). Well yesterday my mom found an old drivers license of my Grandpa's and there is no "k" of course. Before we even got pregnant we knew we wanted to use the name Cambric and we discussed wether to add the "k" or not, and decided on the "k" because I believed that's how my Grandpa's name was spelled. SO of course it through me for a loop yesterday knowing there is no "k"! It may seem silly but I am so use to the "k" now that it is hard for me to write it without it. I like the way it looks better but I just can't get use to writing it this new way. I know I could keep the "k" but Troy said he doesn't want the "k". But I'm just having a hard time with this! lol SO if you plan on getting Camric's name written in stone or on a blanket or whatever, DONT! Cause I just can't decide yet! Its been less than 24 hours. Let me sleep on it some! ;) 

I think I just used the letter "k" way too much! :) 

Monday, February 13, 2012

It's a BOY...Part 2

Ok so I almost forgot all about Part 2. If you have never been pregnant before, let me just tell you something. You get quite dumber during pregnancy. I know people call it pregnancy brain but thats just sugar coating it. I don't remember NOTHING!!!! Like I walk in another room to look for something and before I even get out of the one room I have already forgotten. So on my way home I remembered I needed to write this post tonight and I started thinking back on everything. Oh and I just started CRRRRYYYIIING! Of course now I can't remember what was so good about the story that it made me cry... Dang! Ok well I will try to remember for ya....

So after finding out I was pregnant I was just so ecstatic that thinking about the baby being a boy or girl didn't even cross my mind. All I could think about was "I can't believe the Lord has finally answered my prayers!!!" When people started asking me what I wanted I instinctively in my head just thought "I am just so thankful to be pregnant that I don't care." Well the more people asked me the more I started thinking about what I wanted. I felt horrible even thinking about wanting one gender over another. My heart always leaned towards girl because that is just what I always prayed for. When reading the scripture in Psalm about trusting in the Lord and delighting yourself in Him and He will give you the desires of your heart, I would aways pray for a little girl. I will have to say that one reason I was so determined to have a little girl is because well first they are so stinking cute, but also because everyone talked about imagining Troy and I with all girls and in the Tuttle family there has only been 1 girl born per generation. When I was told that while Troy and I were engaged (there was already the 1 girl born) I remember praying and telling God "Ok I know you don't work that way Lord. I am believing that you will give me the desire of my heart!" Well of course anytime I thought of nurseries or names or anything baby related it was always BOY.

 One day I was driving home on 287 in Midlothian and referred to the baby as a him like I had done quite a bit while praying. I started crying at the thought of having a boy. And then I started crying even more that I was crying about having a boy and I felt so horrible. Then all the sudden this wave of peace just washed over me. I felt like God was saying "Camille! It doesn't matter what this baby is! You will love him or her with everything you have. They will be anointed & do something great in my name." At that moment I just knew I was going to have a boy! ha I don't know why that told me a boy but I can remember just coming home, continuing to feel that peace, and walking straight in the door and laying on the couch listening to worship music. I finally got up off the couch and started googling boy stuff! lol From there on out I hardly even thought about having a girl. I just "knew" this baby was a boy.

About a week before we found out what we were having, Troy was getting ready for bed and asked me what I thought we were going to have. This was only like our 10th conversation on this. haha  When I said boy he said "Well I've been praying for a girl." When I asked him why, cause I knew he really wanted a boy, he said "Because I know how much having a girl means to you and I really want God to give you the desire of your heart." Don't you wish you had a hubby like mine? I mean it just was so sweet! I told him again about my "feeling" of the baby being a boy and that I felt that God had given me a peace about it either way.

When we went to the doctor a week later I got a ultrasound even though I was only 16 weeks pregnant because I was going to a new doctor. WHO I LOVE BY THE WAY!!! LIKE, SERIOUSLY LOVE HER! :) Anyways during the ultrasound I said "He really likes to move. He is so active. Oh I am so sorry, I don't know why but I just keep calling the baby a he." She didn't say anything for about 20 seconds and then she responded with "So what is HIS name going to be?" Troy & I looked at each other and we just kept saying "It's a boy?" And we giggled alot. And then I cried alot. They were very happy tears!!! I couldn't even begin to explain how excited I was. While my doctor finished up my ultrasound, I couldn't help but think back to that day, just a month or so earlier where I felt like God had gave me this peace about having a boy. And then I cried more! :) I would love to blame all the crying on pregnancy hormones but I have actually cried less since becoming pregnant! :/ ha

We had a gender reveal party the next night and had a fun time telling everyone our surprise with cupcakes that had blue icing inside. There are pictures under the "Pictures of Cambrick" link.

What's it gonna Bee? was our theme
Me posting on FB & mom being goofy with the cupcake. 

Sunday, February 12, 2012

It's a BOY! Part 1

Ok so hopefully yall have all figured out that our little Cambrick is a boy. So my title should not be any surprising news. I decided to write about it because Troy and I were talking about it just a few minutes ago and I thought you may like to hear about us finding out he was a HE!

So let me start off at telling Troy that I was pregnant.....
Like I said in my post of "Our Story" I went to the doctor and was shocked to find out I was pregnant. I hesitated telling Troy that night cause the doctor had said she would have to run blood test just to make sure so I didn't know if I should wait or just tell him anyways. Well after going back and forth in my head I finally drove very quickly to CVS to grab a pregnancy test (Troy was on his way home) and then hurried home to post something on Troy's computer cause that's the first place he goes when he gets home. Or what he USUALLY does. That night....NOPE, he wanted to watch all my dumb TV shows with me before going in his office to pray & play on computer.

So when he FINALLY went in there I ran & got the pregnancy test and ran back to his office. Of course he was walking out and I thought he saw what I posted on his computer but he just looked at me and said "What." Of course I about peed myself cause Im holding the pregnancy test behind my back. I just said "Uh, I was on your computer earlier and some weird thing popped up." He responds with "Oh man what did you do to my computer?" He walks over and moves the mouse & sees a calendar and my message that says "Make sure your work knows your gonna be late on October 24th. You will be busy seeing your new little boy/girl." He just stared at the screen for a while and then turned around and started crying saying "For real?" I showed him the test and we both just cried. Ok I cried and HE sobbed. I asked what do you think it is and he responded girl, so being different I said boy. And I was right!!!!! He He He

Ok you will have to excuse me....There is MUCH more to this story but I am stinking tired all the sudden and this baby feels shoved up in my ribs and I just want to lay back on my bed. Can you imagine how I'm going to be at 8 & 9 months pregnant. Please Jesus help me!

I will write the rest tomorrow night. So look for Part 2 tomorrow. :)

Oh and here is a picture of Troy holding a picture of our sweet friends Ryan and Lauren's baby Boston. He FREAKED out holding him. Well at first he just said it was ok, he would hold him when he got a little older but Ryan ended up laying him in his arms. When we got in the car he said "What if I would have dropped him Camille?" It was cute...and funny!
I think he looks like a natural! Don't you? :) 

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Great Day of Registering

So after yesterday of getting absolutely nothing accomplished and having my first big hormonal breakdown (please lets not talk about that) today was a SUCCESS!!!! Well first of all we started the day off at church and then had a wonderful lunch at PF Changs. If you have never had their Banana Springrolls for dessert then you should try them. NO, you HAVE to try them... I mean doesn't it just look wonderful?
Ok so after all that we went to Babies R Us and registered! FINALLY! I mean I know I still have 4 months but the moment I found out I was pregnant I wanted to register. I knew that we were going to have fun but I sure didn't realize just how much fun we were gonna have. We laughed so hard I may have just peed a little, but I will neither confirm or deny that part.

Well first off Troy grabbed the gun and took off. Honestly I had very little say so in this whole fiasco! Here is a picture showing just how excited he was....
Lord help me! 
Sooooo Troy has been a little obsessed with the feeding part of this baby. He grabbed just about every spoon and registered for them and he did all the bottles. We love the Tommee Tippee/Closer to Nature brand. So therefore if it had that name on it, it got scanned. So if you think we have an odd amount of one item, you know why. OH and after the bottles we ran into his most favorite thing of all.... BREAST PUMPS. He is quite obsessed with how it all works. He registered for the pads, gels, and so on. And then we saw it. The actual pump. And this is where I lost it and thought if I laughed any harder, Cambrick may fall out. 
If you can't tell he was laughing as hard as I was!
Oh man was that was funny!!!! You can only imagine the talks and questions he has about breast feeding! Oh brother!  Ok so we got many other items but none were as funny as the breast pump. Some others that we registered for were the Britax car seat and stroller, Mamaroo infant seat, and lots and lots of smaller items. LOTS! No baby clothes though. We need everything BUT clothes so I refrained! Oh and one of the other highlights of my day....We ordered Cambrick's crib and it should be here by Thursday!!!! WHOOP! I love the modern, clean lines. It makes me feel clean too! :/ I dunno that made sense in my head!  

Well after 3 hours of registering & then coming home and deleting a few of the items that Troy scanned a million times Im pooped and headed to bed! Hope everyone has a great week! I know I will. The nursery is getting painted on Tuesday! Can I get a WHOOP WHOOP! 

Oh and here is our registry # just in case you wanna look ;) 47973000

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

22 Weeks!!!

How far along: 22 weeks! Only 18 to go. So exciting!!! And so freaked out at the same time! 

Size of the baby: 8 in suppose to be a whopping pound this week! He is the size of a Spaghetti Squash. Didn't even know what one of these were till like a year ago. One day I shall try one. 

Maternity clothes: Have a few cute tops and one pair of jeans and one pair of dress pants. I've been able to stay in my regular pants as long as I wear my bella band or use a rubber band. OK I admit, a lot of times I leave my pants unbuttoned and zipper down. Thank goodness I have tons of long shirts! :) My friend Lauren let me borrow some spring/summer maternity clothes & didn't think I would be able to wear them for another month or so but this weather is crazy and its pretty stinking warm outside! 

Gender: BOY!!!! Cambrick (still cant decide on a middle name) Tuttle

Sleeping: Pretty good. I want to sleep on my tummy oh so bad though!!! 

What I miss: This week I really miss sushi! And being able to lick the spoon when I make cookies! :( 

Symptoms: Not too much of anything. Well nothing you want to hear about. OK OK I'm just gonna say it. Why did no one tell me about the lovely "not being able to use the restroom" symptom. I would really love to write a post about ALL the things women fail to tell first time mom's when they get pregnant. My mother would not approve though. But you may just be seeing that one day soon. I just gotta make sure men aren't reading this blog! ;) Oh and I guess you could say another symptom is KICKING!!! This little man LOVES to move around! All I have to do is lay down or eat and he goes crazy. Yep, just like momma. Loves laying down and food! 

Cravings: RAW COOKIE DOUGH!!!! Specifically Oatmeal raisin!!!! Oh and even though I don't like chocolate, I would like to make some brownies and before pouring them in the pan, drinking a nice glass of the mix! Doesn't that sound good! Don't lie! You know it does! 

Best Moment: Nothing's really sticking in my head for this past week but my mom and mother-in-law did talk to me about Shower dates. That got me all excited!!! I think we are going to register this weekend. Some things at Target but for the most part at Babies R Us. I will let you know how that goes. If it's anything like when Troy & I registered for our wedding, we will get a little gun happy!